The latest batch of tapes and business card CDrs, launched at the most recent gig.
Get in quick with these, minimal copies still remaining after the launch show...
Smash Tennis - "self titled" C42 (Lim 40)
Melbourne, Australias exquisite duo of Llara (Kit, Tapes, Edits) and Samaan (Guitar, Tapes, Edits), compiled from various live recordings from 2010 and 2011 using Iphone, Nokia 1616, Dictaphone, Reel to Reel. With an end result that is both precise and chaotic, beautiful and grotesque. Highly recommended.
Recorded on high quality black C42 tapes with industrialised "envelope pattern" covers. Limited to 40 copies (very few left).
Areyfu - Star Garnet ssC20 (Lim 30)
South Australias' Areyfu knows how to deliver high quality harsh noise, and that is exactly what he does on this tape. Just under ten minutes of sporadic out of this world noise. Moments of ambient beauty, voice samples, and aeons of perfectly timed blasts of feedback and synthetic noise scree. A hidden gem in a sea of mediocrity.
Duplicated on high quality green tapes with gloss full colour covers in an edition of thirty.
Areyfu - Retrogradus ssC15 (Lim 20)
Much the same idea/style as "Star Garnet" but with guest vocalist/lyricist Dylan John Cameron. The addition of Dylans' passionate hardcore/power violence style vocals add a whole new dimension of intensity to the already intense Areyfu noisescape. Not like everything else. Not your garden variety power electronics, this is a whole new kind of beast...
Duplicated on new old stock data cassette tapes with black and white covers in an edition of twenty.
The Shock Technician / Horsing / PPP / Dotåbåtå - Four on the Floor 4xBizCDr (Lim 25)
Four on the Floor: a four way split between The Shock Technician from Germany, Horsing from the Netherlands, PPP from Italy and Australias' Dotabata. Each artist filling a business card with a distinct slab of monolithic noise grandeur. Pressed on four clear hand stamped business card CDrs with individual sleeves, plus inserts and cover housed in a cassette tape case. Strictly limited to twenty five copies.
Snuff Budgies - Maths C?? (Lim 34)
From the people who brought you FTRG and Dotabata comes a new (not really, more so reformed and refreshed...) duo focused on intense live musique concrète, tape manipulation and looping. This time binging you a two sided cassette recorded on the very cassettes that were used as the source material. Thirty four mathematics theory audio books on tape were used to create the audio that would later be recorded over the majority of them. Each one individual; ending with various amounts of the original mathematic theory that had resided there.
Strictly limited to thirty four copies each with a different ending. Recorded to recycled maths audio book tapes. Each with an individualised cover.
Zebra Mu / Torba - split C30 (Lim 25)
Zebra Mu of Norfolk, England and Torba of Germany both offer up a side of true analogue noise. Executed just how noise should be; raw, varied, organic and damn noisy. Each artist putting their signature spin on their offering.
Limited to twenty five copies duplicated on studio quality new old stock mastering cassettes with fold out cover and inserts.
Inmost Night - Insidious Tormentors BizCDr "single" (Lim 25)
The first official release of the "truth bringers" Inmost Night. Approximately five minutes of noisy punkened black metal grind. Raw, manic, and not afraid to speak the truth!
Limited to 25 copies on white business card CDr with A4 fold out insert with lyrics.
Dotabata / Taklamakan - split RssC90 (Lim 30)
Two megalithic slabs of noise worship. Dotabata from Melbourne, Australia brings a flowing twenty minute slab of grime. Brooding bass drones, organic textures and heavy psych overtones buried in more texture. Taklamakan conjures otherworldly noisescapes with the ebb and flow of a black hole.
Limited to thirty copies duplicated on recycled (quality) consumer grade C90 cassettes, with fold out cover.
Other/older releases still available (Only a couple each left):
CAN-026 1+1= a window - Autism 3"CDr (lim 25)CAN-029 The Mist Toggles - So Seal Ice CDr
CAN-032 Horsing - Changzheng 3"CDr
CAN-037 Vilphagr - DEMO C30 (lim 30)
CAN-047 The Shock Technician / Zebra Mu - split 3"CDr (Lim 40)
CAN-053 absence.insolution / Fuck, The Retarded Girl - Nice Fringe Fucknut Please Stop Making Garbage Like This And The People That Think This Is Cool Christ Seek Thereapy 3"CDr
CAN-054 Areyfu / FTRG - split C42 (Lim 25)
CAN-058 Panic - Hunter C31 (Lim 30)
CAN-060 Dotåbåtå - Spilt Milk C40 (Lim 21)
Rough price guide:
Tapes (and 4xBizCdr) Au$7 / US$10 / 10Euro each or three for Au$15 / US$20 / 20Euro or even cheaper for larger orders. BizCDr and 3"CDr free with other orders or Au$3 / US$5 / 5Euro individually.
Email to make an order...